Trenton, NJ (August 10, 2015) — Millhill Child and Family Development recently opened a new facility dedicated to Behavioral Health Services. Located at 802 Prospect Street in Trenton, the new center will provide the local community with outpatient counseling and psychiatric services that will enable Millhill to serve 400 children and families each week.
“The new counseling center will allow us to double our current capacity,” explains Cynthia Oberkofler, executive director of Millhill. “We feel privileged to be able to offer high quality services to the community we have been located in for over 40 years,” she continued.
There is a great need for quality and affordable behavioral health services in Mercer County. Mental illness was identified as a significant health risk in the 2012 Trenton Community Health Needs Assessment. Participation at Millhill’s Outpatient Clinic has quadrupled its capacity in the past five years and the need continues to grow.
In order to help meet the growing demand for behavioral health services in Mercer County, the center will provide Partial Care, Adult Services and will introduce new therapies including substance abuse treatment and art therapy. The facility will house a Parenting Center, and offer additional meeting space for health and financial literacy workshops.
The center will also provide a dedicated space for Millhill’s Trenton PEERS program. Trenton PEERS, comprised of Trenton teens, provides intensive leadership development, life skills training, assistance with educational goals, mentoring and support to peer educators. The program reaches thousands of at-risk Trenton youth through dozens of workshops and presentations.
“I am thrilled to expand our mental health services to better serve our community,” states Jordan Faiman, director of behavioral health services. “The center is the result of our long term strategic planning and a thorough community needs assessment,” he continued.
Millhill is committed to providing high quality behavioral health services that make a difference in the lives of children and families. The center provides individual, family and group counseling and medication management to an at-risk community. Millhill will host an Open House September 24 from 11 am – 2 pm. There will also be a Health Fair September 19 at Millhill that is free and open to the public.