Photo caption: Calvin Thomas, Trenton Area Stakeholders Coordinator, Cynthia Oberkofler, Millhill Executive Director, Mayor Eric Jackson and Jigna Rao, Program Coordinator Trenton Workforce Development Initiative
Trenton Workforce Development Initiative Launches Summer Youth Employment Program with Job Readiness Training
TRENTON, NJ (May 24, 2016) – The Summer Youth Employment Program kicked off in April with a two-day job readiness training for Trenton youth held at Rider University. The Summer Youth Employment program is a public-private partnership created with the goal to provide summer jobs to Trenton youth.
The training at Rider University takes place after Mayor Eric Jackson, former Mayor Douglas Palmer and Robert Prunetti, President of the MIDJersey Chamber of Commerce called upon private, public and nonprofit sectors to either sponsor or host a youth for the summer.
“The program provides Trenton youth with the opportunity to use their summer in a productive manner,” explains Jigna Rao,” Program Coordinator. “The uniqueness of the program is the synergy between all four entities involved and sharing the common goal to collaborate to connect youth to meaningful jobs to improve economic opportunities for Trenton residents,” she continued.
The Summer Youth Employment Program is the inaugural project for the Trenton Workforce Development Initiative. The Trenton Workforce Development Initiative initially grew out of a needs assessment conducted by the Trenton Area Stakeholders (TAS) that identified employment, transportation, education and health as key priorities and areas of growth for the City of Trenton. An advisory board was assembled to help expand employment opportunities across the City.
“Millhill is pleased to partner with the City and MIDJersey Chamber to help create opportunities for Trenton youth. In addition to serving as the operating engine we are excited to host six of our Trenton PEERS for summer employment,” explains Cynthia Oberkofler, Executive Director at Millhill Child & Family Development.
The Summer Youth Employment Program is a partnership between Trenton Mayor’s Office, Millhill Child & Family Development, MIDJersey Chamber of Commerce and the Trenton Area Stakeholders. Trenton youth ages 16 – 21 will be employed at various nonprofits, businesses and the City of Trenton during July and August.
Required job readiness training for participants was held at Rider University for two days in April. During these trainings Rider students served as trainers and coached Trenton youth in communications, conflict resolution and navigating issues in the workplace. The initiative builds on Mayor Douglas Palmer’s vision to give Trenton youth opportunities that help open doors.
For more information please contact Jigna Rao, Program Coordinator of the Trenton Workforce Development Initiative at 609-989-7333 x 131 or jrao@millhillcenter.org